In the filming and editing of your project, what worked well and what could have been improved?
Editing worked really well becasue most of the shots we had were taken correctly which meant less editing had to be done.
We had a problem with the 180 degree rule, as it was the first time we tried it therefore we couldn't exactly get the shot right. Also we had a problem with the people not wearing the same clothes, because the first time we did the 180 degree rule, it was not that good, so we did again on a different date, which caused a few implications.
We had a problem with the 180 degree rule, as it was the first time we tried it therefore we couldn't exactly get the shot right. Also we had a problem with the people not wearing the same clothes, because the first time we did the 180 degree rule, it was not that good, so we did again on a different date, which caused a few implications.
Give a detailed, specific example of how you have used a shote/ reverse shot combination in your film?
Two people sitting across from each other, where one person was taller than the other person talking ( eye shot). We achieved this by using the 180 degree rule.
Give detailed, specific example of how you achieved , match cuts during the editing process?
We recorded more then what we needed,so that when we edited the clip we made sure we had the correct macthing. e.g if one shot was of a person walking through the door, the hand he used to open the door (e.g. left) he should use the same hand to open the door if we take other shots. We also made sure when the person was walking he walked fluently into the next shot. if one shot was ending with his left leg leading then the next clip should match up with that to make sure its fluent.
How did you achieve continuity in this task? Or if your transitions weren't entirely smooth, what have you learnt?
We achieved continuity by making sure the people were in the exact same spot, and had the same clothes on for e.g. when we took one of the shot we got a teacher that was sitting in a specific place, therefore we made sure she was there throughout out the clip). Like i said before we couldn't get the 180 degree rule correct the first time, and because we had todo it on another day the continuity wasn't as good. Next time we need to make sure this doesn't happen.
What did you learn about the cameras and editing software during the preliminary task?
I learnt how to export using quicktime conversion, which then leads into creating an MPEG4 movie. I was also taught realised how to extract a specific part of the video and edit it, which is something i have done. I that creating a short video took alot of time putting together because we had to make sure that everything had continuity. We had to take certain clips more than once, because it was not exactly the shot we were looking for. We had to make sure we could talk loud enough so that he camera can pick up our voices.
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